These are some of the Cafes in Great Dunmow or within a 15 min drive
Am..American | Chin...Chinese | F/F..Fast Food | Fr...French | F&C...Fish and Chips |
Gr...Greek | Ind...Indian | Int...International | It...Italian | Keb...Kebab |
Mex...Mexican | Pub...Pub food | Piz...Pizza | T/a...Take Away | Thai...Thai |
Viet...Vietnamese |
Café Ronda |
7 Doubleday Corner,
Coggeshall |
01376-562821 |
Clockhouse Tea Rooms |
1 Stoneham St,
Coggeshall |
01376-563242 |
Eatons |
33 George Yard
Shopping Centre, Braintree |
01376-343090 |
Home Cooking |
6 New St, Braintree |
01376-322495 |
Phillers |
8 Little Square,
Braintree |
01376-347839 |
Travellers Grill |
Bus Park, Victoria St, Braintree |
01376-321836 |
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